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Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Hour of My Life in Natural History

i speak of natural history instead of biology, for i, was not particularly brimming with any facts of knowing. Almost as soon as i began to explore, to read at all, i began to amaze by the formidable life in the undergrowth. i was a very near sighted little boy, and didn't even know know that my eyes weren't normal until i was 12, i had to hug my tele to get a clearer view. i watched Masked Rider everyday after school, i should have known, i was very much attracted by the human mimicry-grasshopper.
that's one hell of a mesmerizing insect Collection!

Catching up Jeff Corwin, Nick Baker, Sir David Attenborough on the tele was a my daily routine during the time when i was jobless. exploring the forest in long sleeves and long pants, documenting the life undergrowth! thus was dream. i'm glad i'm fulfilling a small portion of my dream for a naturalist, "collecting" specimens in photographing them. thanks to Masked Rider!

if we and the rest of the backbone animals were to disappear overnight, the rest of the world would get on pretty well. but if they were to disappear, the land's ecosystems would collapse. the soil would lose its fertility. many of the plants would no longer be pollinated. lots of animals, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals would have nothing to eat. and our fields and pastures would be covered with dung and carrion. these small creatures are within a few inches of our feet, wherever we go on land- but often, they're disregarded. we would do very well to remember them. -Sir David Attenborough-

for every naturalists' lifelong contribution, i salute the naturalists for i had my enjoyment in my life.


For most i embrace the abundance life of tropical country for co-existing with such amazing creatures.
many might formulate the mind that insects/bugs are puny little being that most disregarded, in fact, they're much more intelligent than you think.

and this dedicated mother devoted her life in guarding her youngs, female jumping spider (Salticidae) with half-hatched eggs.

a jumping spider (Salticidae) foraging for prey. 

Common Garden Spider (Parawixia Dehaani), when it feels threaten, it retracts its legs close to the body like this, or drop to the ground and play dead.

Green Huntsman Spider (Micrommate Virescens) doesn't build a web and hunts insects in green vegetation, where it is well camouflaged. 

but none of which spiders' camouflaged  beat this female Jumping Spider (Phaeacius sp.)

beside camouflage, an odd ball below hunt in an amazing technique, it catches prey with a sticky silk globe, more it can change the smell of the silk globe to attract different preys. video link

the Bolas Spider (Cladomelea Debeeri) an unusual orb weaver that does not spin the typical web.

the ant mimic-spider (Myrmarachne Sp.)

and recently, i'd documented a praying mantis, such fascinating camouflage!

these beautiful life undergrowth are such brilliant creatures adapt to survive creatively, please stop destroying their habitats, their home.
embrace the meaning of life. 
pledge your support in protecting the natural environment.  



Kurt (OrionMystery) said...

Nice one JW. That AMS is a Myrmarachne sp.

HeeJW said...

thanks master kurt! :)
can identify the Masked Riders for me argh? grasshopper, ants, fly...what else? hehe